Baghouse Filters
The Widest Range of Best Filter Media in the Industry
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Donaldson Baghouse Filters
Donaldson® offers an unmatched product range of baghouse filters, from high-performance to specialty media, & the expertise to innovate beyond all competitors.
Baghouse Filter Types

Fabric Baghouse Filters
We provide the widest range of fabric dust collector filter bags for any baghouse dust collector.

Helix Tube Filters
Donaldson Helix Tubes deliver cleaner air, longer filter life and greater cost savings over traditional bag filter configurations.

Pleated Bag Filters
Donaldson pleated bag filters deliver longer filter life, higher efficiency, and greater cost savings over standard 16 oz. bag filters for baghouse collectors.

Donaldson Replacement Filters
Ready to Ship in 24 Hours
With hundreds of varieties to choose from and all in-stock orders shipped within 24 hours, AIRPLUS is the best, most reliable source for high-performance cartridge and bag filters.